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Email automations, which allow businesses to automate the sending of targeted and personalized emails to specific segments of their audience, can save time and improve efficiency while also increasing engagement and conversions, making it an important tool for any email marketing strategy
An email sequence is a series of emails sent to a prospect, user, or customer, sent using email or marketing automation software based on pre-determined criteria and specific actions people take – or don’t take – such as a time delay or action being met.
Email automation is a way to create emails that reach the right people with the right message at the right moment – without doing the work every time.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
If it wasn't for Social Media College I wouldn't be sitting where I am today: owning my own successful business and making my work life fit in so seamlessly with my family and personal life. So thanks SMC, I couldn't have done it without you.
I wouldn’t have been able to achieve the results I have without knowing what to do. Social Media College gave me all the foundations for that. I couldn't have set up my agency without SMC. I would still be in my job. I probably would have had a stroke by now from high blood pressure! I have to pinch myself every day now. I'm really stoked.
I’m building a business which has more and more demand every day and I’m really lucky that I can work it completely around my family. SMC gave me the structure and confidence to present to clients.