IG002: Strategy and Algorithm

An effective strategy for Instagram involves understanding the algorithm and using it to your advantage by posting consistently, using relevant hashtags, and interacting with your audience to increase visibility and engagement, which can help to boost your reach and gain more followers

Online Videos
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Active Community
Jonathon Tanner
Co-Founder and Co-CEO at Social Media College
45 mins
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Part of Instagram

About the Course

Defining your strategy is not only going to make your life as a social media marketer easier, it’s going to improve the results of what you’re doing. In order to define your strategy, you first need to understand the different placement options that Instagram has, and who your ideal target audience are.

What are you going to learn?

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Create your own buyer persona to inform your strategy
  • Complete competitor analysis with competitor analysis template
  • Identify three types of content: created, co-created and curated
  • Determine how a post is processed by the Instagram algorithm
  • Identify the factors that influence ranking
  • Understand the algorithm for Feed, Reels, and Explore page

Course Content

  • The Importance of Strategy
  • Understanding the Algorithm
  • Creating Your Instagram Strategy

  • Ultimate Guide to Instagram Reposting
  • Types of Content


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If it wasn't for Social Media College I wouldn't be sitting where I am today: owning my own successful business and making my work life fit in so seamlessly with my family and personal life. So thanks SMC, I couldn't have done it without you.

Renee Madge
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I wouldn’t have been able to achieve the results I have without knowing what to do. Social Media College gave me all the foundations for that. I couldn't have set up my agency without SMC. I would still be in my job. I probably would have had a stroke by now from high blood pressure! I have to pinch myself every day now. I'm really stoked.

Paula Allsop
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I’m building a business which has more and more demand every day and I’m really lucky that I can work it completely around my family. SMC gave me the structure and confidence to present to clients.

Erika Bucton

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