Keeping up with the latest and greatest marketing techniques can make a big difference to your business. However, the amount of information available on the internet is immense and can often be overwhelming. You may be bombarded with thousands of social media newsletters that pop up in your email and struggling to choose which social media newsletters to read.
Subscribing to reputable social media newsletters guarantees a variety of valuable and informative content. Weekly, or even daily, blog newsletters are an easy way to stay updated on what’s currently happening in your field on interest.
In this article we have compiled a list of our top 10 social media marketing newsletters which include blogs, YouTube channels and Podcasts.
Social Media Marketing Blogs
The following free newsletters are a great way to stay up to date in the social media industry, as well as hear key tips from the social media experts. Simply sign up to their newsletters via email to join.
1. Social Media College Blog –
2. Social Media Explorer –
3. Social Media Examiner –
4. HubSpot Marketing Blog –
You can also find and like their Facebook pages by searching for the names listed above.
Social Media YouTube Channels
These three YouTube influencers are motivational and offer informative content. They regularly conduct interviews with social media industry leaders (they have actually featured on each other’s respective shows). You may get some inspiration of how you can implement video in your own social media campaigns. YouTube automatically send email newsletters whenever one of your subscribed channels post new content.
5. The #AskGaryVee Show –
6. Marie TV by Marie Forleo –
7. Social Media Minute with Jan Rezab –
Social Media Podcasts
Podcasts are a great way to consume content while on the go. On a road trip? At the gym or walking to work? Why not tune in and listen to the social media experts in action.
8. Social Media Marketing Podcast by Social Media Examiner –
9. Social Pros Podcast by Jay Baer –
10. Jon Loomer Pubcast –
By subscribing to renowned and reputable resources, you can remain at the forefront of social media changes.
Which of the above is your favourite resource and why? Are there any other resources that you would add to the list?
For more information on how to achieve social media success, contact us today!