Keeping up with the latest and greatest marketing techniques can make a big difference to your brand. However, the amount of information available on the internet is immense and can often be overwhelming. You may be bombarded with articles that are irrelevant or worse, you may be confronted with an overload of relevant yet, contradicting articles.
So, how do you sort and categorise colossal amounts of varying information? How do you decide which resource is reliable and credible?
Subscribing to a reputable newsletter guarantees a variety of valuable, informative, and dependable content. Weekly, or even daily, blog newsletters are also an easy way to stay updated on what’s currently happening in your field on interest. To assist you in your continued learning as a budding entrepreneur or digital marketer, we’ve compiled a list of our top 5 marketing newsletters to which you should definitely subscribe;
1. HubSpot
‘’Success is making those that believed in you look brilliant. At HubSpot, we work passionately to make our customers look brilliant”
HubSpot sends a newsletter straight to your inbox, daily. Their newsletters include a wide range of lead generation, social Media, email marketing, analytics, SEO, blogging, and lead management tips and ideas. HubSpot is one of the leading inbound marketing software platforms and so when it comes to content marketing and understanding how to convert potential customers into sales, they’re the experts!
2. Bluewire Media
‘’Bluewire Media helps digital marketing consultants by providing the tools and templates to help grow their business.’’
Established by Adam Franklin and Toby Jenkins, Bluewire Media shares content from their latest podcast, blog, and website. They have over 22, 000 subscribers from all over the world vying to transform their business into a million-dollar marketing consultancy. Subscribe to their newsletter for access to premium template material!
3. Jeff Bullas
‘’My mission is to Inspire and educate people to win at business and life in a digital world” – Jeff Bullas.
By subscribing to Jeff Bullas’ newsletter, you’ll be joining over 16 million other readers who have been motivated to grow and develop their passion and business. Jeff Bullas and his hardworking team offer a variety of insider information, eBooks, comprehensive infographics, to transform your digital journey into a successful one. In addition, his blogs and newsletter is written in a fun, casual manner rendering it easy to read and even more appealing.
4. Social Media Examiner
“Our mission is to help you navigate the constantly changing social media jungle.”
Approximately 520, 000 email subscribers look forward to Social Media Examiner’s original content from their online magazine. With a specific focus on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, Social Media Examiner aims to help businesses discover leads, optimise sales, and improve personal branding online.
5. Social Media College
‘’Accelerate your career and become an industry leader in Social Media Marketing’’
We’re slightly biased but we think we offer a pretty awesome newsletter. At Social Media College, we aim to provide you with the latest digital marketing updates, tips and tricks, social media campaigns, and success stories so that you can be a social media thought leader and expert of your own.
Last Words
Given its extensive features and applications, social media have proven to be difficult in terms of continually keeping up with its latest updates and insights. However, by subscribing to renowned and reputable online newsletters, you can remain at the forefront of social media changes. Our recommendation? Put your readings into practice!
For more information on how to achieve social media success, contact us today!