Email marketing is a powerful tool as you can speak to your audience easily and position your brand to be top of mind throughout all hours of the day. However, it all starts with acquiring email addresses and once you have those coming in steadily, you do not want to scare them away by bombarding them with boring / over the top emails. Here are our top tips for creating sustainable email marketing campaigns that are designed for success:
Tip #1: Create an Amazing Opt-In Offer
You may have the best email marketing campaigns known to man, however if you do not have a large email marketing database your efforts will be wasted. It all starts with an amazing lead nurturing campaign, sound complicated? All this means is a campaign to collect as many email addresses as possible. The easiest way to do this is on your website through opt-in offers, or in-store if your business has this available (for example, sign up to become a member and receive great promotions).
For website lead generation you need to have a great opt-in offer that your target market would not want to turn down. These could be anything from:
- Newsletter sign-up
- Free membership sign-up
- Free e-book download
- Free brochure download
- Free photo download
Are you seeing a trend here? If you have a brochure or e-book available on your website do not give it away for free! Make sure you customer leaves you with their email address at the very least so you can continue that relationship with them.
Tip #2: Make It Visible
It’s great if you have an amazing opt-in offer and an one-of-a-kind theme of the week but that means nothing if you’re target audience doesn’t know where to sign-up! Trust us, they won’t go looking so it’s up to you to make it appear in their line of vision. We suggest putting it all over your website, including:
- Side bar
- Footer
- Header
- Pop up form
- Download page
- Blog page
A website that can assist with these built in and pop-up website forms in Sumome. They can do other cool stuff too so make sure you check them out.
And while you are at it, post it on social media! An example post could be, “Sign-up for XYZ amazing newsletter and get the juiciest XYZ updates sent right to your inbox!”
Tip #3: Create Regular Content That Your Readers Will Value
Having something that makes your readers excited to open your newsletter is a serious game changer!
For instance, start a newsletter that gets sent out every Friday and call it “Friday Superstars”. Have it be a connection-based newsletter where you do profiles on 5 of your current newsletter subscribers currently killing it in their business or something relevant to your industry. We’ve seen this tactic work over and over again.
Tip #4: You Do Not Need To Sell
Making your business top of mind is the key here, you do not need to over-sell. If you can add value you to your customers lives, so much so that they will actually forward your email on to their peers to add value to their life too, that is the ultimate goal.
You could even try writing your email marketing campaign as if it is coming from you personally. There are no many flashy email marketing campaigns that flood our inbox on a regular basis, make your emails stand out! Have the email come from your email address with the subject 'Updates', and watch your open rate increase dramatically. Just make sure you include more value-adding content in their to make it worthwhile for your database.
So what is your current opt-in offer? Do you think you’ll revamp? If you like the idea and would like to learn more about these great tips, contact the Social Media College team today.