Pandemic proof your career! Build your personal brand and pivot with ease

By the end of this masterclass, you'll have a clear understanding of how to build a strong personal brand, create a strategy for career growth, and pivot your career with ease in the face of uncertainty. Whether you're starting your career or looking to make a change, this masterclass will provide you with practical tools and techniques to stay ahead in your industry.

Andrew Ford
Seasoned Marketer, helping small business e-ttract more clients, staff and investment by providing selected marketing talent from universities
October 29, 2020
Zoom Webinar
2 hour
Part of Personal Branding

About the Masterclass

In today's uncertain times, building a strong personal brand is more important than ever. This masterclass will teach you how to craft a compelling personal brand, identify your unique selling points, and create a strong online presence. You'll also learn how to pivot your career and adapt to changing circumstances while staying true to your personal brand.

Take control of your career and future-proof your success by joining this masterclass. Learn the strategies and tactics that successful personal brands use to navigate through tough times and thrive in any environment. "Pandemic proof your career with a killer personal brand" - Join the masterclass now.

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